Comments on: a workshop giving something back to the Flash community Sun, 08 Feb 2015 13:47:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ave AGAL!morituri te salutant « HIDIHO! Sun, 11 Mar 2012 19:10:19 +0000 [...] the workshop I gave in january -*-, I was extremely glad ( and proud somehow ) when one of the attendees told me he would start to [...]

By: 3D, some theory and basic mesh tweaking « HIDIHO! Mon, 16 Jan 2012 12:18:18 +0000 [...] is a series of samples I did for a workshop I gave in Paris on january the 12th 2012 (see the previous article). everything went fine, mostly due to the people that came. thank you all, it was a very pleasant [...]

By: Frank Reitberger Mon, 09 Jan 2012 15:25:53 +0000 I´ll do my best to follow – even if you speak in strange tongues to me… blaaaaaam going for Latin proficiency certificate instead of learning French :)

By: Ulu Fri, 06 Jan 2012 16:00:48 +0000 Long live the Flash !

By: nicolas g Fri, 06 Jan 2012 15:36:12 +0000 Just to give a clarification : the workshops won’t be only Flash/AS, we’ll try to be as agnostic as possible, but with a Flash background, i.e. no boring stuff !

I love the idea that Flash is plebeian. We are the coding proles, right !

BTW, thx for the kind words.

By: Peter Strømberg Fri, 06 Jan 2012 15:02:08 +0000 It’s almost enough to make you learn French ;)
Will the sessions be recorded and published?

Maybe this is the future for Flashers, small groups meeting secretly to talk about the dark arts. I hope not. I too miss the days when Lee Brimelow and Mike Chambers actually promoted Flash and visited Flash groups throughout Europe, as opposed to gently telling us to give up.
I’ve been racking my brains to find a reason for these signals. The only possible cataclysmic event I can think of that would make sense of it all is if Apple are about to buy Adobe, and this is as much as they can say without spending the rest of their lives in prison. Steve Jobs last will and testament perhaps? Kill Flash no matter what it costs (or fix it and stick an Apple logo on it?).
All respect to Steve and his accomplishments, though those who compared him to Da Vinci are seriously deluded.

Analysts have previously pointed out it would make sense. Mac users use Adobe products. Where else is there to go for Apple? They’re already the biggest company in the world. What they want is the opposite of what Adobe (or at least Macromedia) previously stood for, i.e. Ubiquity across ALL platforms.

It’s fine to say you should look at other technologies, but for as long as Flash exists why would you? Surely the industry will still require specialists? We just got like a gazillion new possibilities with Flash11. HTML/CSS/JS has always been an alternative, but most the HTML designers I know don’t make Flash applications and vice versa. With AIR coming out on Android and iOS, why diversify? Mobile apps not a big enough market? Customers still want rapid development and distribution on all popular platforms and devices. HTML5 doesn’t really offer that. It may have that as a goal, but it’s immature, and lacks a language capable of (easily) creating and large, expandable applications.
The most impressive solutions are made my TEAMS over MONTHS, and only then do they begin to stack up to what a Flash hacker gets upto in his bedroom for kicks.

In the words of Bon Jovi, Keep the Faith. Hopefully someone with a bit of enthusiasm and vision will get hold of Flash and it will experience a similar revival.
(oops, sorry for having a friday afternoon rant on your blog. Edit and remove as necessary!)
