giving something back to the Flash community

B.I.G.A. 4 : LINES 2/2

following our latest discoveries, we’ll go further with lines & segments and talk about non-parallel lines.

first let me clarify one thing. if you’ve followed the previous articles, you may have noticed that I keep talking about dimensions. it is because one of the key notions of generative art is complexity.

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B.I.G.A. 3 : LINES 1/2

as seen in the last article, one dimension is the relationship between two values or two states of an object.
this relationship can be quantified which allows us to normalize and interpolate a value between 2 values.
as we’re interested in graphics, it enabled us to draw a line between 2 points.

now what if we add a second line?
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B.I.G.A. 2 : LINE

as seen before, the point has no dimension.
an inifinity of times no dimension equals no dimension which is not really interesting when it comes to generative art.
in the previous example, I needed to make the point distribution issue easier to understand so I cheated by representing them in a 2D space but points, have no dimension unless we bind them together.

if we bind 2 points that have no dimension, we obtain our first dimension.
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Basics In Generative Art (B.I.G.A.) 1 : POINTS

I’ve started a series entitled “basics in generative art”.

I am not a generative artist and this is not a generative art for dummies.
As for lots of people, I started using Flash for its graphic capacities. Back in the days of AS1 & 2, lots of tutorials were flourishing here and there about graphics and code. Art Directors and motion designers could put their hands on code and build functional prototypes without asking for help. Times have changed, and swapping to AS3 left a lot of people behind.

What I’ll share here is a series of snippets & thoughts about generative art and computational geometry, some useful tools, notions and approaches to recurrent problems. Again even though there is an Ariadne’s thread ( “N dimensions” ), this not a book or a manual.
This being said, concepts and snippets will grow increasingly complex over time so If you’re new to graphics in Flash, or new to generative processes in general, you may want to read articles chronologically.

Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy reading this so much as I enjoyed writing it.


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